Friday, October 5, 2012

Your Guide to Agenda 21

What is UN Agenda 21, and what does it have to do with you?

Agenda 21 is a global power grab of monumental proportions.

I URGE you all to look at the following videos, and consider the impact that this can have on YOU and your community. By the way, when you hear terms like "sustainable development", "ICLEI", and "Community Involvement", these are code words to hide that this is part of Agenda 21. I'm not kidding. They publish this in their handbook! This is so diabolical, so insidious, so anti-American, so dangerous to our future... that I implore you to watch the videos and share this information with others.

 Key Concerns


Just to give you a little taste of what is hidden in this sneak attack on our freedom... Some of the most alarming concerns regarding Agenda 21, that may DIRECTLY affect you are:
  • Seizing of property
  • Forced water restrictions
  • Forced relocation 
  • Forbidding access to land
  • Increased Gas prices
  • Additional taxation by the UN
  • Forced community involvement
  • Forced Quotas on harvests
That's not all, by a long shot. I won't bother writing the details of any of those, because the following videos do such a fantastic job of covering them.

Take 21 minutes to watch this video to understand the UN Agenda 21 plan. I am not a member of the JBS, and do not endorse all of their works. However this video does an excellent job of DE-mystifying this complicated topic, and they are to be complemented for such fine work.

Video - Agenda 21: How will it affect you?

Now the next video is a little shorter (14 minutes), and is done by Glenn Beck. Again, I am not endorsing everything this guy says... but in exposing Agenda 21, he does a very good job of spelling out what it means for you.

"Agenda 21" The UN's diabolical plan for the world is explained on the "Glenn Beck Show"

Still want more? you can go watch the next video on YouTube. It is only 9 minutes, and it goes into details that these two videos don't cover. The sound quality is a bid distracting, but if you can get through it, it is worth watching.

“Agenda 21 For Dummies” — Agenda 21 explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity.

They Plan to Dumb Us Down

 The printed handbook for UN Agenda 21 -  Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit - states the following:
"Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes. In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability."

The DELIBERATE dumbing down of America is no accident. It is intentional, to forward the agenda of the UN Agenda 21.
To summarize, under UN Agenda 21, you will be dumbed down, have no property rights, be forced to relocate to federally owned sustainable housing (about the size of a prison cell), be forbidden access to vast tracks of undeveloped land, the family unit will be broken up, the UN will have the authority to increase taxes and gas prices as a means of modifying behavior, you will  be required to have a LICENCE from the government to have a baby or get medical treatment for a baby or pre or post natal care. Every aspect of your life will be under the control of a faceless, nameless group of globalists whose stated goal is a 50% - 90% decrease in the world population.

If this is the utopia you have been dreaming of... you can join your local ICLEI group and help them bamboozle the public into submission. But if you find this appauling and anathema to freedom and the spirit of America, then I urge you to inform people about this page, Google and search YouTube for "Agenda 21", attend your city council meetings to reject ICLEI committees from using city resources and promoting the advancement of the UN. Warn your community and neighbors with fliers, meetings, emails, and editorials in your local paper. Force your news paper to publish the truth about Agenda 21 - That it is a total take over of the world population for the purpose of absolute control and genocide.

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