Efficacy studies on vitamins before 1993 are outdated.
Studies on Vitamin efficacy before 1993 did not use vitamins that may have been tainted with anti-human GMO technology. 1993 was the year that Genetically Modified Foods became commercially available in the US. With so many of our vitamins using Soy and Corn derivatives, I am convinced that it is time that new studies were conducted and compared to the results occurring prior to the introduction of GMO foods.In 1978, my brother had a bad case of poison oak. When I say bad, I mean that his fingers and wrist were so red and swollen with the rash, that to bend them would cause them to crack and ooze clear fluid. His eyes were nearly completely swollen shut, his legs were covered in red rash, bumps, and pus. He was forced to stay in bed, and covered in calamine and benadryl lotion to control the itching and hopefully dry out the rash. After two days and no improvement, we were afraid that his throat would soon constrict to the point where he could no longer breath. My father began administering 5000 mg of vitamin C per hour with lots of water. He kept this up for 5 hours, until the rumbling intestines threatened diarrhea. Then, he cut back to 2000 mg per hour. By that evening, the swelling in my brothers hands and eyes significantly decreased, and the oozing on his legs and arms ceased. This heavy dosing continued for 2 days, at which time all of the rash had completely dried up and the itching was completely gone.
Back then, we were given 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily, but at the first sign of a cold, we upped the dosage to 2000 mg per hour for the remainder of the day, and this always did the trick. As teens, I don't remember ever being sick. I attributed this to a good diet, we played outside, and we took our Vitamin C.
Today, Vitamin C just doesn't work as well. For drying up rashes, preventing colds, and to help reduce swelling, it just isn't the same.
Recently, after discovering a TRUE non-GMO vitamin C, I purchased some and began to experiment with it. Not only did a smaller dosage seem to give far better results, but using the liquid C subliminally and topically also gave almost immediate results. After discussing these results with the manufacturer, they confirmed our findings and shared several similar stories. They also provided clinical test results from patients suffering from various forms of cancer, heart disease, and immune deficient diseases. The information was astonishing. In comparisons using Corn-source C vs. non-corn C, the results were indisputable. In every case, the corn-derived C caused an INCREASE in cancer cells, while the non-corn derived C showed a decrease in the cancer growth. When the non-corn derived C was used in conjunction with conventional Anticancer Agents, the decrease in cancer growth was 25% - 60% greater! This is extremely disturbing when you consider that 99.99% of Vitamin-C used now in supplements is derived from genetically engineered corn (GMO) (Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt corn) and traces of toxic solvents such as toluene, xylene and dioxin are allowed in amounts up to 100 ppm.
Testing on a 66 year old male with Stage 4 prostate cancer which had spread to his skeletal system, had the following results:
- Initial tests revealed a rare, extremely aggressive form with a Gleason Score of 5+5. Traditional approaches would extend his life span only a few month.
- At the Start of Program: PSA= 76.92
- 34 days on Oral Program: PSA = .76
- 36 days on Oral Program: PSA = .69
- 2 weeks later: PSA = .08 (Lab Detection Limit): TOTAL REMISSION!
In all 5 cases, the stage 4 ovarian cancers reached remission, confirmed by CA-125 blood tests, CAT scans, and PET scans. Many years later, 4 of the 5 remain alive with a high quality of life.
The evidence is indisputable, there is a significant difference in the results from TRUE non-corn Vitamin C, and Vitamin C derived from corn sources. The evidence should not be ignored. We have known since 1753 that Vitamin C cured scurvy, but the governments ignored the evidence for over 100 years. Likewise, the government has allowed GMO foods and their derivatives to be added to almost all processed foods - including Vitamins! All without proper testing. Now, the evidence is clear; A recent long-term study has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that GMO corn causes infertility, tumors, and shortens the lifespan.
Dating back to the 1940's, Frederick R. Klenner, MD began documenting cures with vitamin C for chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus, and polio. In the 1940's there were no vaccines for these illnesses, but Klenner cured them with Vitamin C.
The following is a list of the conditions that Dr. Klenner successfully treated with vitamin C therapy:
Herpes Zoster (shingles)
Herpes Simplex
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Bladder Infection
Some Cancers
Ruptured Intervertebral Disc
High Cholesterol
Corneal Ulcer
Burns and secondary infections
Heat Stroke
Radiation Burns
Heavy Metal Poisoning (Mercury, Lead)
Venomous Bites (insects, snakes)
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic Fatigue
Complications of Surgery
His results for over 40 years were documented, and are available in Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, his complete list of papers, published in 1988.
For some reason, our government continues to ignore the evidence, and doctors continue to recommend drugs instead of using high dosages of Vitamins. In the words of Dr. Klenner, "Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin."

The US Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin C is 60 mg. What a joke! Dr. Klenner gave up to 300,000 milligrams (mg) per day. Generally, he gave 350 to 700 mg per kilogram body weight per day. He said, "If you want results, use adequate ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)." It's hard to argue with that, after seeing the results that he achieved.
Freshwater Organics is proud to offer the only TRUE non-corn, guaranteed non-GMO Vitamin C.
The Vitamin-C used in Bio Immune,Inc Ultra
Absorbic-C and Super-C Option II is guaranteed
to be derived from “True” non-corn source,
cassava root (Used to make tapioca).
If you don't have this in your vitamin cabinet order today from FreshwaterOrganics.com
If you don't have this in your vitamin cabinet order today from FreshwaterOrganics.com
To learn more about the therapeutic uses of vitamin C, we recommend the following books:
How To Live Longer and Feel Better, by Linus Pauling, Ph.D., (Freeman, 1986)
The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, by Irwin Stone (Putnam, 1972) (read free online)
The Vitamin C Connection, by Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D. et al (Harper and Row, 1983)
Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, by Lendon H. Smith, M.D. (cited above) (read free online)
In addition, I highly recommend that you visit www.doctoryourself.com
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