In an effort to consume more organic foods, and less Genetically Modified (GM) foods, we have practically eliminated anything in a bag, a box, or a can, knowing that almost all processed foods have either GM food derivatives (such as High Fructose Corn Syrup), aspartame, or MSG. However, what we DIDN'T know, was that 99.9% of all Vitamin-C produced and sold in the US is a derivative of GM corn. This made me angry.

In light of the recent
long-term study on the effects of GM corn, it seems that to continuing to consume GM corn products is to willfully consume poisons known to cause tumors and lead to premature death in 50% of males and 70% of females. But Vitamin-C is one of the most powerful and important discoveries ever made. What are we supposed to do? Our soil is depleted... our citris fruits are picked unripe and irradiated before shipping... we NEED a reliable supplemental source of non-GM vitamin C.
We found it!
Freshwater organics has found the only TRUE non-corn derived Vitamin-C in the US. There are other products that "claim" to be non-corn derived, but once tested, ALL prove to show signs of GM corn, and some even show signs of Monsanto BT corn - the absolute worst of the worst, in terms of potential damage to humans. The fraudsters are hardly ever detected, because samples can only be detected in France, and it is very expensive to have the tests run. But con men, with no concerns for your health, will gladly sell you Vitamin-C from GM corn, and call it non-corn... they just charge you twice as much.
UtraAbsorbic C is not only the only true source of non-GMO vitamin-C, it also has a delivery rate equal to intravenous C. It uses a nanosphere delivery system, and is even capable of breaking the blood/brain barrier, which for certain protocols, like brain tumors, makes it even better than intravenous C. Not to mention that there is no non-corn intravenous C available. We know this, because the inventor/manufacturer of our UltraAbsorbic-C bought up the world supply of intravenous C from beets, but that supply has been depleted. But don't despair, because there is enough UtraAbsorbic C to go around. In fact, I have verified that we can easily meet the demand for another 10,000 bottles a month. An additional million bottles a year might sound like a lot, but when you consider the population of the US and Canada, that really is a very small number. Unfortunately, true non-corn C has a heavy price tag. The price for a 2 oz. bottle is just under $25.00 delivered. But, the good news is, that supplements that are consumed with the UltraAbsorbic C also benefit from the nanosphere deliver system, so you can actually get the best bang for your buck by taking half the dosage of the UltraAbsorbic C with Super-C Option II Powder - a powdered form of non-corn derived vitamin C. While your are at it, take your favorite multi and other supplements and maximize your absorption.
Super-C Option (Powder) is non-corn derived, with
essential minerals, calcium, magnesium and potassium added. Vitamin C
enhances the natural functioning of white blood cells, and natural
killer cells, and is the premier soluble antioxidant involved in
collagen synthesis and the production and recycling of other nutrients
and enzymes in the body.
We have a limited supply, and are quickly ramping up to meet rising demand, but we have been assured that we will be able to ship 10,000 units of each within the next few weeks. We understand the desire to buy large quantities for long term preparedness planning, but we are also planning to offer auto-ship, so that we can plan, and guarantee delivery of product to our customers every month.
This product is an answer to our prayers, and we have no doubt that any of our customers who can afford this, will be using this regularly. The truth is, if one is afflicted with a serious ailment, they can't afford not to afford this. We also have clinical protocols for a number of debilitating illnesses that we will make available to our customers.
Thank you for your interest, and please help spread the word. - Fran Tully
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